
How to authenticate to an atServer


Package Installation

In Dart we provide the at_onboarding_cli package which handles onboarding to the atServer via files stored in the ~/.atsign/keys directory

Add the package to your project automatically using pub:

dart pub add at_onboarding_cli


Set up the preferences to onboard to the atServer.

 AtOnboardingPreference atOnboardingConfig = AtOnboardingPreference()
    ..hiveStoragePath = '$homeDirectory/.$nameSpace/$fromAtsign/storage'
    ..namespace = nameSpace
    ..downloadPath = '$homeDirectory/.$nameSpace/files'
    ..isLocalStoreRequired = true
    ..commitLogPath = '$homeDirectory/.$nameSpace/$fromAtsign/storage/commitLog'
    ..rootDomain = rootDomain
    ..fetchOfflineNotifications = true
    ..atKeysFilePath = atsignFile
    ..atProtocolEmitted = Version(2, 0, 0);

Next get the onboardingService

  AtOnboardingService onboardingService = AtOnboardingServiceImpl(
      fromAtsign, atOnboardingConfig,
      atServiceFactory: atServiceFactory);

Finally wait to be onboarded, this returns true once complete.

await onboardingService.authenticate();

This can be wrapped to check that the onboard was successful with the code snippet below.

bool onboarded = false;
  Duration retryDuration = Duration(seconds: 3);
  while (!onboarded) {
    try {
      stdout.write('\r\x1b[KConnecting ... ');
      await Future.delayed(Duration(
          1000)); // Pause just long enough for the retry to be visible
      onboarded = await onboardingService.authenticate();
    } catch (exception) {
          '$exception. Will retry in ${retryDuration.inSeconds} seconds');
    if (!onboarded) {
      await Future.delayed(retryDuration);

Last updated