Get Started
Setup the atSDK for your preferred language
Starter Flutter App
Create a Flutter application initialized for use with the atSDK
If you don't have a Flutter setup for development yet, please see the Flutter docs.
1. Create a new Flutter app
First, generate a new Flutter app (replace at_app
with the name of your application).
flutter create at_app
cd at_app
2. Add dependencies
Then add the following dependencies to your project:
flutter pub add at_client_mobile at_onboarding_flutter flutter_dotenv path_provider
3. Replace main.dart
Now copy the contents of main.dart
from below into lib/main.dart
into your project.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:at_onboarding_flutter/at_onboarding_flutter.dart';
import 'package:flutter_dotenv/flutter_dotenv.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'
show getApplicationSupportDirectory;
import 'home_screen.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
await dotenv.load();
runApp(const MyApp());
Future<AtClientPreference> loadAtClientPreference() async {
var dir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
return AtClientPreference()
..rootDomain = ''
..namespace = dotenv.env['NAMESPACE']
..hiveStoragePath = dir.path
..commitLogPath = dir.path
..isLocalStoreRequired = true;
// * By default, this configuration is suitable for most applications
// * In advanced cases you may need to modify [AtClientPreference]
// * Read more here:
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
MyAppState createState() => MyAppState();
class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
// * load the AtClientPreference in the background
Future<AtClientPreference> futurePreference = loadAtClientPreference();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
// * The onboarding screen (first screen)
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('MyApp'),
body: Builder(
builder: (context) => Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () async {
AtOnboardingResult onboardingResult =
await AtOnboarding.onboard(
context: context,
config: AtOnboardingConfig(
atClientPreference: await futurePreference,
rootEnvironment: RootEnvironment.Production,
if (mounted) {
switch (onboardingResult.status) {
case AtOnboardingResultStatus.success:
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => const HomeScreen()),
case AtOnboardingResultStatus.error:
const SnackBar(
content: Text('An error has occurred'),
case AtOnboardingResultStatus.cancel:
child: const Text('Onboard an @sign'),
4. Add home_screen.dart
Create a second file in lib/
called home_screen.dart
. Copy the contents of home_screen.dart
from below into your project.
import 'package:at_client_mobile/at_client_mobile.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// * Once the onboarding process is completed you will be taken to this screen
class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
const HomeScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// * Getting the AtClientManager instance to use below
AtClientManager atClientManager = AtClientManager.getInstance();
// * Getting the AtClient instance to use below
AtClient atClient = atClientManager.atClient;
// * From this widget onwards, you are fully onboarded!
// * You can use the AtClient instance to perform operations as the onboared atSign
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('What\'s my current @sign?'),
body: Center(
child: Column(children: [
const Text('Successfully onboarded and navigated to FirstAppScreen'),
// * Use the AtClient to get the current @sign
Text('Current @sign: ${atClient.getCurrentAtSign()}')
5a. gitignore the .env file
Add the following line to the top of .gitignore
This will prevent accidentally uploading the secret values stored in .env
to any git repositories associated with your app.
5b. Add and populate the .env file
Create a new file in the root of the project (next to pubspec.yaml
) called .env
. Add the following lines to it:
These values should be populated with your unique app namespace, and registrar API key.
5.c. Register the .env file in pubspec.yaml
In pubspec.yaml
there should be a flutter:
key, under this key, we want to create and add .env
the assets:
- .env
6. Start developing!
Start your application with the following command:
flutter run
Now you are ready to begin developing!
Get Started C Application
Setup a CMake project which includes the atSDK package suite.
The full example can be found here.
1. Ensure you have a C Compiler, CMake, and a build automation tool
The method at which you decide to use to install these prerequisites are up to you. These three tools can be installed using either apt
or pip
Firstly, ensure you have a C compiler such as clang or gcc. We recommend gcc because that is currently what Atsign is focused on supporting.
gcc --version
Secondly, ensure you have CMake installed using cmake --version
. Ensure that your CMake version is >= 3.24. If you have issues obtaining a newer version of CMake, we have found lots of success using pip
when installing CMake via pip install cmake@3.24
cmake --version
Lastly, ensure you have a automation tool installed, such as GNU Make. We recommend GNU Make because that is currently what Atsign is focused on supporting. These examples are using GNU Make version 4.3, but any version should work.
make --version
2. Create an empty directory
This command will create a directory and then go into it.
mkdir my_first_c_app && cd my_first_c_app
3. Create CMakeLists.txt
Inside your project folder, create a new file called CMakeLists.txt.
Copy and paste the CMake code into the file. Feel free to change the project name by changing this line:project(my_first_c_app)
# Minimum cmake version required by atSDK is 3.24
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24)
URL_HASH SHA256=7ca4215a473037ca07bef362b852291b0a1cf4e975d24d373d58ae9c1df832bc
add_executable(main ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/main.c)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE atclient)
The above CMakeLists.txt
will use FetchContent to download the C atSDK for you. Then, we will create a target named main
for you and link our atclient
library statically.
4. Create main.c
Inside your project folder, create a new file called main.c
Change the line #define ATSIGN "@jeremy_0"
to the atSign that you have keys to. For example, if you own an atSign @alice
and have its keys in the correct directory ~/.atsign/keys/@alice_key.atKeys
, then I would change this line in my code to #define ATSIGN "@alice"
#include <atclient/atclient.h>
#include <atclient/atclient_utils.h>
#include <atclient/constants.h>
#include <atlogger/atlogger.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ATSIGN "@jeremy_0"
int main()
int exit_code = -1;
char *atserver_host = NULL;
int atserver_port = 0;
atclient_atkeys atkeys;
atclient atclient;
if ((exit_code = atclient_utils_find_atserver_address(ATCLIENT_ATDIRECTORY_PRODUCTION_HOST, ATCLIENT_ATDIRECTORY_PRODUCTION_PORT, ATSIGN, &atserver_host, &atserver_port)) != 0)
goto exit;
if ((exit_code = atclient_utils_populate_atkeys_from_homedir(&atkeys, ATSIGN)) != 0)
goto exit;
if ((exit_code = atclient_pkam_authenticate(&atclient, atserver_host, atserver_port, &atkeys, ATSIGN)) != 0)
goto exit;
atlogger_log("my_first_c_app", ATLOGGER_LOGGING_LEVEL_INFO, "Authenticated to atServer successfully!\n");
exit_code = 0;
return exit_code;
5. CMake Configure
In the terminal, run the following command.
cmake -S . -B build
This is known as the "configure" step where CMake will build instructions on how to build the app specific to your machine.
Output should be similar to the following:
$ cmake -S . -B build
-- Building atlogger
-- Building atchops
-- [MbedTLS] fetching package...
-- [uuid4] fetching package...
-- Building atclient
-- [cjson] fetching package...
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/jeremy/GitHub/at_demos/demos/get_started_c/1-authentication/build
6. Build
Use CMake to build your configure and build your programs:
cmake --build build
This command is the same as running cd build && make all
(if you are using Makefiles).
Your output will look similar to:
cmake --build build
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.c.o
[100%] Linking C executable main
[100%] Built target main
7. Run the binary
The previous command, if ran successfully, would have created a binary executable for you: ./build/main
Simply run the program:
Your output will look similar to:
[DEBG] 2024-08-15 00:37:16.517243 | connection | SENT: "jeremy_0"
[DEBG] 2024-08-15 00:37:16.550027 | connection | RECV: ""
[DEBG] 2024-08-15 00:37:16.892252 | connection | SENT: "from:jeremy_0"
[DEBG] 2024-08-15 00:37:16.929632 | connection | RECV: "data:_d6d1a569-b944-4fd1-8c1e-7fc26e508452@jeremy_0:75be9182-bfdc-437f-96bc-c45eb5a1c0ff"
[DEBG] 2024-08-15 00:37:16.968986 | connection | SENT: "pkam:QLuCl8JITCbOF6J8A6WlqBX3FUKoRR8DHh0FMnbVhHYRiuXZdBHJks0aQtq2cUj47KdhJCvN3Uk728UJHzwLgIF00wE3893xUi+9luoD7OFdV4Pbtmrxvj4K/s81A4Z9XBEJwtKerWStUavX5hR39By6Y6NJ2HeCuqVvBw2WQ/gKM15cAndpXrYzEVNJk9eCCN4+VXWxJOm6FhoY41Qxn/QSYqnRqp6PfHiY1rFXjsikJX6ip3LrCFTabJAS78BHx4BmmUzGKVPn0dFtYwvEKBgumViQhKHwS1ae1xBkLTZCARdIUhdhudoyba/ogwIEMjTWanLzAbqtNRa6qPTDrw=="
[DEBG] 2024-08-15 00:37:17.018977 | connection | RECV: "data:success"
[INFO] 2024-08-15 00:37:17.019891 | my_first_c_app | Authenticated to atServer successfully!
Congratulations! You have successfully ran a barebones Atsign C application.
Last updated